Finding the right developer for the business is not simple. The challenging task can be made simpler with the help of strategies on how to find app developers which can be followed.
The strategies can be helpful in hiring different types of developers like full-time, part-time, or freelancer. Following are some of the methods to find developers in 2019.
This is one of the easiest ways on how to find the app developer. who suits perfect to your requirement. Referrals can be obtained through employees, friends, relatives, business associates, or anyone else who is in our networking platform.
The method is to simply spread the word in the network of people known to the employer. The best thing about the method is that the employer can come in direct contact with the developer. And since the professional has been recommended by someone known to the employer, the trust factor is also more. This method can be limiting in various ways.

Freelance Platforms:
Various platforms are available to find the freelance professional for the organisation. Freelance platforms are grouped into two as Niche and General.
- General: Freelancer, Upwork, and Guru are some of the well-known sites offering freelancers for the opportunity. They act as a bridge between the freelancer and the employer. The major drawback of the platform is that the credibility of the developer is not known properly. Anybody can claim to be a developer.
- Niche: These are specialized platforms which have been designed for the freelance developers only. The right candidate can be found because the site involves developers who are qualified. They have the right parameters to take such professionals on board. Although this process may be a bit expensive, but the process is agile and the employment can take place at a faster pace.
Developer Conference and Meetings:
Do some research about the developer meetings and conferences happening in your area. This can be the perfect platform how to find developers in 2019.
The search can be narrowed using filters and the right techie can be engaged for the organisation with the help of such meetings and conferences. The need to attend the event will be important to bump into the right candidate.

Developer Forums and Communities
Get engaged in Developer communities to find the developer in 2019. This can be the right place to find the expert or to get the recommendation for the right person.
Then it will be easier to arrange a meeting with the right prospect and screen the candidate as the initial process. But the process can be lengthy and cumbersome because certain communities have rules which make it difficult for the employer to intrude. Reddit, Dzone, Hashnode can be some great platforms.
Stack Overflow
Online accessibility for the developer can be made simple with the help of the online platform, Stack Overflow. Many developers interact using this site.
The best way to find developer 2019 is to indulge in some research in the site, find the active members and go through their profile. The employer can use the board to post about their requirements and the replies can be expected too. The positing is free of cost. The disadvantage is that it may be challenging to find the local developer.

LinkedIn is one of the most popular platforms to find developer 2019. On site and remote developers can be easily found through this platform. The resumes are uploaded in the site and the employer can read the profiles of the candidates and connect with the most suitable one as per their requirement. But the talented developer profile may feel lost in the pool of resumes and the right candidate may not end up getting the right employment.
Portfolios and past projects are visible through the platform. Some other methods can be employed with this one to finddeveloper in 2019. GitHubBoard can be used for positing the job ad by the employer so that qualified developers may get in touch with the company.
Many developers are very passionate about their job and share their learning in the website named Medium. Codementor’s blog It is also used by several professionals for sharing their experiences and learning’s.
Searching the developer through Medium becomes simpler because right candidate can be found. Since the developers write blogs about technical and software, the employer is able to find developer 2019.Some writers link their write-ups with other social networking sites like FaceBook because this widens their scope of getting the right employment opportunity.
Quora has postings of some of the qualified and talented developers. The employer can look for the topic of their interest in the platform. Quora Spaces can be used to find developer 2019.Lot of talent is found in this platform. But the disadvantage is that the developers are already working for big companies.
FaceBook Groups
Various groups are formed in the platform by developers and other talented professional.

This group becomes a forum for the employer to connect with the prospect employee. But to find the developer, the employer will have to join the groups. Only then they get exposed to the group and they can easily make connections to find developer 2019.
Job posting can be made on the platform and engagement can be confirmed. Several people are getting connected using this platform and it has emerged as one of the most popular one in the recent years.
Clicking on the People Tab will expose the employer to meet developers. Hashtags can be used to find the right person from the Tech stacks. Skilled developers may be found through this medium.
Paid Ads
Paid ads can be used to get in touch with the right candidate. The paid ad activity is very popular in social networking sites like FaceBook, Reddit, Google, or LinkedIn. This can be the best way to find both freelancer and local professionals.
These are some of the platforms which are very useful on how to find developer in 2019. Both fresh and experienced talent can be found using the platforms mentioned above.